Netsuite Integration Consultant

Description: Our client is a consulting firm searching for an experienced NetSuit Integrations Consultant to lead a large integration project.

Minimum Years Experience: 5 Years

5 Abilità chiave richieste:

– Expertise in Software Design and Engineering, DevOps, test Automation, SDLC, the Internet of Things and application development
– Strategy and software experts has to be experienced across a wide range of industries, technical stacks, including emerging technologies, and a passion for leveraging their power to achieve business results.
– Software consultant must have the ability to both teach and do
– Large corporate transformation experience
– With the emphasis on transferring knowledge, skills and processes, to help lead a self-perpetuating transformation.

5 Aree di responsabilità:

– Configuration and Data Mapping of ERP Application – NetSuites
– Implement RFXCEL/Edge software for Serialization project
– Converting ERPnext to NetSuite
– Implement GS1 data to External Vendors
– Implement data stream to Veridat for historical data

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